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Shin splints is a broad term that describes pain occurring on the front or on the inside part of the lower leg and is directly exercise-related. It is commonly associated with sports such as running, football, basketball and dancing. Initially, it manifests itself as a dull ache and your leg may be swollen and sensitive to touch. If left untreated, the pain becomes more intense and it may prevent you from training altogether.
The most common factors that can trigger shin splints are:
Shin splints are frequently a symptom of underlying biomechanical problems, caused by, for example, flat feet. When the biomechanical balance is affected, the body load is not distributed evenly when standing, walking or running. That causes misalignment and exerts unnecessary strain on your legs and feet. Overpronation is a particularly common cause of shin splints.
As each pair of our insoles is made to measure, they are exceptionally effective at resolving the biomechanical issues that lead to shin splints. Comfortable and lightweight, Dr Insole’s custom orthotics protect your feet from injuries and pain, without adding any unnecessary bulk to your shoes.
To book a free consultation with one of our orthotic specialists and to find out more how our orthotics can help with your symptoms, please click here